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Middle East Empire 2027

How to start? The game does not require registration you just click and play. Choose the country you wish to play with and the game will begin. When you finish the actions you wish to do click “Pass Turn” and the Blue Star system will calculate and will give you the turn results. One turn indicate one month in the game and the game start at 1/2027 * The game require JavaScript and cookies to be enable since all the game instructions are in JavaScript and the way to identify that your computer we do so by using cookie. First actions * Check your country economy and improve it. (Strong economy will lead your country to be empire) * Check your relations level with other countries and improve them. * Improve your research levels in your country will provide you easier way to defend your country. * Do not attack on start try to build and make your country stronger. * Spy on countries to get important information and check who spy on your country. * Make other countries weaker by using spies’ activities. * When you see potential to weaken other country that has war by moving forces to the border do it. (The country will need to split their forces) * Check every turn all the game news it’s will help you fallow what the system going to do next and it will lead you to success. Want to help us to develop the game? * Write us if you want we will add new scenarios or if you have idea’s to improve the game. (We will be glad for help to improve the Blue Star system) * Recommend friends and family on the game. * Vote for our game and visit for the game sponsors. Money * You get money in the game by the amount of civilians you have in the country and this will indicate your monthly budget. * For example if you choose Egypt your annual budget will be 44,472,000,000$ and the system will split the budget to monthly (One turn) budget 3,706,000,000$. The budget comes from taxes and with Egypt example every civilian give monthly tax of 46$ * Important to develop the country education it will increase your monthly income. * Improving the relations with other countries will give better trade and more taxes to collect. * Improving the relations with world superpowers will give your country more aid and support from them. Civilians From them you get money every turn that passes. * If the country reach 0 civilians it’s will lose. Economy and Industry Important to improve the economy and industry of your country it will help you to build better and stronger country. Buy weapons There are 4 superpowers in the year 2027 and they are the main weapons suppliers to the Middle East countries. United States, European Union, Russia and China. Each supplier can sell you different weapons in different price. * Important to check the specials of every weapons suppliers. Research Center The research center will help you to develop your country offense and defenses. * If you will develop mass destruction weapons and you will reach the final level then option to use it will open. * If your research facility get bombed all the levels will be gone so defend you country well. International relations Possible options in the relations screen. 1 = War 2 = Ceasefire 3 = Hostile relations 4 = Cold relations with intensive spies activities. 5 = Cold relations with medium spies activities. 6 = Cold relations with low spies activities. 7 = Friendly relations without spies activities. 8 = Peace treaty. (Will increase your monthly income by 1%) 9 = Excellent partnership relations. (Will increase your monthly income by 2%) 10 = Military Alliance. The countries will help each other if the other country gets attacked. (Will increase your monthly income by 3%) Possible relations with world superpowers 1 = Have hostile relations with your country. 2 = Decided to cut relations with your country. 3 = Decided to close the embassy in your country and to bring back the ambassador. 4 = Have cold relations with your country because of the last actions you have made. 5 = Have normal relations with your country and accept to sell weapons level 1 to your country. 6 = Have friendly relations with your country and accept to sell weapons level 2 to your country. 7 = Have friendly relations with your country and accept to sell weapons level 3 to your country. 8 = Have good relations with your country and they give you monthly aid of 1% from your budget. (Will accept to sell weapons level 3 to your country) 9 = Have very good relations with your country and they give you monthly aid of 5% from your budget. (Will accept to sell weapons level 4 to your country) 10 = Have excellent relations with your country and they give you monthly aid of 10% from your budget. (Will accept to sell weapons level 5 to your country) Rebels The rebels in the country do not pay taxes and their whole intention is to harm the country. If the rebels reach 80% from the country population there is chance for possible military revolution and you will lose in the game. * When you support rebels in other country then the target country will be weaken from the rebels and it’s mean less taxes to them every turn. * If you have a lot of rebels in the country then the best way to decease them is to invest the country money in welfare and the rebels will become again paying civilians. Intelligence center Will allow you to send spies for variety of missions. The option will open if your have enough money and if you did not spy on that country this turn. War room The possible actions in the war room depend on the relations level with the countries and if there is border between the countries. The possible actions are: send forces, Full alert, bomb civilians, bomb industrial zone, bomb military base, bomb research facility, send forces to war and launch ballistic missiles. News After every turn you pass the news option will allow you to track better after the countries activity. Send forces to border Will allow you to spread your army and to prepare better for invasion. You can also withdraw the forces back to their bases. Pass turn Every time you will pass turn the “Blue Star” system will calculate the conditions in the Middle East and will act accordingly. Blue Star System If it’s interesting you more information about the blue star system then you can continue to read or else you can start playing. The blue star system contains more then 1 million code lines and performs thousands of calculations for every possible scenario. The system will divide the countries budget in this way. 30% to defense. 25% to economy and industry. 15% to research. 23% to improve international relations. 7% to use spies. * In case of war the country will use the entire budget to buy weapons and also for international relations to see if need to ask ceasefire. Every time you will pass the turn the system will show you what other countries did in the Middle East by subject. Budget to improve the economy and industry The system will improve the countries economy and industry by the following definitions. If more then 25% from the population join the rebels then the country will invest 35% from the budget in welfare instead of international relations. If not the system will invest in economy and industry by these definitions: 35% chance to invest the money in education. 7% chance to invest the money in science. 7% chance to invest the money in industry. 35% chance to invest the money to improve relations with one of the world superpowers. * If no need to improve relations then the budget will go to military industry. 16% chance to invest the money in military industry. Budget to improve the research The system will improve the countries research by the following definitions. If there country do not have atom, biological and chemical weapons then will be 20% chance that the system will invest the money in them if the country have all these technologies then the system will invest the money to improve tanks and artillery technology. 20% chance to invest the money to improve troops training. 10% chance to invest the money to improve tanks technology. 10% chance to invest the money to improve artillery technology. 20% chance to invest the money to improve ballistic missiles technology. 20% chance to invest the money to improve anti-ballistic missiles technology. 10% chance to invest the money to improve espionage technology. 10% chance to invest the money to improve counter espionage masseurs technology. Budget to improve the international relations The system will improve the countries relations by the following definitions. All is depend if the country have enough budget and the relations levels. If there is war then the entire budget will go to ask for ceasefire but only if the country lose ground or if the war is too long. If there is no war then the system will improve the relations of the country by the following definitions. 20% chance to sour relations with other country. If the country has friendly relation with other country then 90% chance to sign peace treaty. If the country has peace treaty with other country then there is chance of 10% that the treaty will be cancelled. If the country has excellent partnership relations with other country then there is chance of 30% to sign military alliance treaty. If the country has military alliance treaty with other country then there is chance of 15% that the treaty will be cancelled. 35% chance to improve trade relations between countries. 15% chance to threat with military actions on another country. Budget to send spies The system will send spies to other countries by the following definitions. * If the country in war with other country then all the spies will be sent to assassinate the leader of the attacking country. * If there is no war then the system will send the spies by the relations level. It’s can be to support rebels, to make terror attack or to sabotage technology center. Budget to buy weapons The system will buy weapons by the following definitions. The countries will buy weapons depend on the relations they have with the world superpowers and also if there is no siege on their country. The country will buy weapon from the world superpower by the following definitions. Relation level 5 = the country will have option to buy only tanks. Relation level 6 = the country will have option to buy 50% chance for tanks or 50% artillery. Relation level 7/8 = the country will have option to buy 33% chance for tanks or 33% artillery or 33% anti-air missiles. Relation level 9/10 = the country will have option to buy 25% chance for tanks or 12.5% artillery or 12.5% anti-air missiles or 15% helicopters or 27.5% jets or 7.5% for ships. The way the system chooses to send forces and managing the wars. Sending forces to border * If there is ceasefire between the countries then there is chance of 70% that the countries will withdraw the forces back to their bases. * If there is military tension between countries then there is chance of 50% that they will send forces to the border. * If there is war with one country then the system will send all the forces to the war. * The system allow to countries to fight against multiple countries in the same time but the forces will be spread and the country will have difficulties to defend it self. * If the country will send more forces to the border then the system will check the border countries and they will send forces to the border. * If there are no borders then the system will attack with jets and ballistic missiles in case of war. Bombing other countries The system will check the relations levels and by this will decide if to send jets to bomb other countries. * Country can bomb on one country when turn passes. * If there are hostile relations between countries then will be 20% chance that the system will send jets to bomb the other country. The bombing will be by the following way: 7% chance to bomb civilians. 23% chance to bomb industrial zone. 20% chance to bomb research facility. 50% chance to bomb military targets. Total war between countries * If you want to attack country that you have border with then just go to relation screen declare war on the country you want after in the war room just send the forces you want to war. When you will pass the turn the system will calculate the battle and will give you the results. * War can break also between countries that do not have borders in the year 2027. * If there is no border then the system will decide if to send jets to bomb or launch ballistic missiles. * There is no time limit for war and it’s can take also years. * If there is border between countries and there is war then the system will calculate the war in the following way. Step one of the war The countries will send their jets against each other and the jets that win will bomb the other country military bases. Targets like: tanks, artillery, anti-air missiles and troops. Step two of the war The countries will send their ships and submarines against each other and the side that win will commit sea siege on the other country and it’s mean that the losing country cannot buy weapons this turn. Step three of the war The countries will send their attack helicopters against the other anti-air missiles and the side that wins can hit targets like: tanks, artillery and anti-air missiles. (2 times more then jets) Step four of the war The countries will send their artillery against the other and the side that wins can hit heavily the other troops. Step five of the war The countries will send their tanks and troops against the other and the side that wins can conquer more land from the other while the main objective is to conquer to entire country. Launch ballistic missiles * The system will allow countries to launch ballistic missiles in case of war. * If there is war then will be 15% chance that the other country will launch ballistic missiles against the target country. * If country in war and civilians start to get hurt then to automatic ballistic missiles will act by the following way. If more then 5% of the civilians got killed then the country that lost the civilians will launch 20% of the ballistic missiles with normal warheads toward the target country. If more then 10% of the civilians got killed then the country that lost the civilians will launch 35% of the ballistic missiles with chemical warheads toward the target country. If more then 25% of the civilians got killed then the country that lost the civilians will launch 50% of the ballistic missiles with chemical or biological warheads toward the target country. If more then 40% of the civilians got killed then the country that lost the civilians will launch 70% of the ballistic missiles with chemical, biological or nuclear warheads toward the target country. If more then 50% of the civilians got killed then the country that lost the civilians will launch all the ballistic missiles with chemical, biological or nuclear warheads toward the target country. * The ballistic warhead will be chosen by the system and with the criteria of how many civilians are dead. Game Score In the end of every game the system will show you what achievements you got and the score that the Blue Star gave you for your leadership. The system will also write you what she thinks on the way you lead the country.

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