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(1 Votes)

Badde Manors

Web based community with attacks and familys.

Latest User Review

Badde Manors

5/5 stars(5/5) Reviewed by User: thistle on 2003-08-01

New textual multi-player game. The Admin and other players are really interested in feedback and implement player-suggested changes regularly - it's great to be in on the ground floor and have suggestions taken seriously. It's a combination of a trivia game (where you earn "stamina" to use devices), community (earn "affinity" to increase your level, and start fights or keep the peace, or just talk about what interests you), politics (form a family, claim a Manor and decide what goes on there, make allies and enemies), and war (devices can help or hurt statistics). Some play for power, some to get to the top level or get in the Hall of Fame, some just talk a lot, a few like to fight (and many like to watch the fights!). Various Manors, plus common areas, and each has its own style - bawdy, serious, busy, quiet.

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